Fall Golf: Helpful Warm Ups
Fall is here, and so begins fall play. The course is, thankfully, less crowded and slightly chillier. Now, more than ever, your warm up is important. If it’s colder out it can be harder to loosen up and play like your normal self. So here are some tips golf warm-up tips for a cool game of fall golf.
Putting green or driving range?
It’s important to hit both, but don’t get preoccupied over which you go to first. Most people hit the driving range, before they hit the putting green. And some even forget to hit the putting green. It’s important to work on all of your strokes, so plan time at both the putting green and driving range. If the driving range is full, spend some quiet time working on your short and long putts, or vice versa. Try working on a few drills, talk to your fellow golfers and see what they’re doing before a game.
With the colder weather, comes tighter bodies. Be sure to spend some time before a round of golf stretching. Your muscles will thank you later. Be sure to get all your muscles working before you head out and play. Some pro players even head to the gym for a bit before they head out on the course. Nothing too intense that will tire them out, but just enough to get their blood flowing and muscles looser.
Be relaxed
Remember the stiffer you get, the worse your shots are. Head to the course with a relaxed mind set. Any golf player knows that golf is much more of a mental game that you think. Keep your focus, and keep your body relaxed. You’re more likely to injure yourself if you’re tighter.
What Works for You
At the end of the day it’s important to do what works for you, when you’re warming up. Spend time stretching out the muscles that you know are tight, and practice the shots that you know you need help with.
Don’t forget to bring your essentials for a game of golf, like your remote control golf caddy, and take into consideration the cooler temperatures. Be sure to through a light layer into your electric golf trolley and anything else you might need. Make the time to warm up before you head out to play a game. Enjoy the relaxed time you have to focus on a shot you’ve been missing, and nail it this time. Fall golf is perfect for that, because the pace of play out on the course has slowed down. It’s time to grab your remote control golf bag and get out there, while you still can.